
29 October 2013

Could Prevacid be causing my hair loss?

My hair has been falling out in clumps each day. I wash my hair and it looks like I used Nair there is so much hair in the drain. I have been racking my mind trying to figure out what the problem is. Today I had an Aha moment. My hair started falling out when I switched from Nexium to Prevacid (Lansoprazole). I started doing some searching, and sure enough there are lots of people with the same complaint. They too, had lost hair after taking Prevacid. Now I have to continue the research and see what Gerd medication I can use and not have the hair loss.

Have any of my readers had any experience with hair loss from Prevacid (Lansoprazole)? What medication did you switch to? I have heard lots of horror stories from being on Nexium long term, so I am trying to find something else.

17 October 2013

Another day another headache

I love the fall weather. It is one of my favorite times in the year. I love the colors of the changing leaves. I love the cool, crisp weather. My favorite genre of movies are on for a whole month. I can finally have hot chocolate whenever I want. It sounds like a perfect time, but this year it is a time of constant headaches and pain.

Every morning I wake up with a headache that continues to linger through out the day. I am having a hard time with pain in my legs. My right side is always on fire. I cannot seem to get comfortable. When I sit it hurts in my hip. When I lay down my knee and calves ache. When I am standing my back is throbbing. I am constantly having the chills. At night when it gets cooler, I am burning up. I cannot find a happy medium.

I want to be able to enjoy this time of the year. The holidays are quickly approaching and I am afraid that I will be hurting too much to enjoy them. I love to cook and bake. I absolutely love decorating for the holidays. I just have to find a way to deal with this pain. January can't come quick enough. I will finally be able to go to the doctor and get some help. Not having health insurance puts a damper on getting proper treatment. I know that many are against the Affordable Care Act or "Obamacare" as many like to refer, but I am so thankful. I can get insurance that I can afford. I won't be turned down for preexisting conditions.

I am hoping the weather cooperates and we can get out and enjoy the colors this upcoming weekend.  Before long the leaves will be gone and snow will take their place. I am just thankful I am able to witness another cycle of seasons come to an end.

09 October 2013

You're hot then you're cold

Dear Mother Nature,

               I know that there are many factors that go into weather, cold fronts, warm fronts, global warming, etc. I just wish you could find a happy medium and stick with it. This constant change in temperature every other day has my body throwing fits. I love the cool fall air. I like being able to snuggle under the covers at night. I do not however enjoy the hot and humid weather that keeps creeping in every few days.  My internal thermometer is not adjusting well. I can't seem to get warm on these chilly days. I feel like I am burning up on the hot days. I am almost afraid to see what happens when it turns cold. So please, have a couple glasses of wine and chill out. It is time for chilly weather, hot chocolate, and bon-fires.
Yours truly,


P.S. My air conditioner is already put away for the season, so please stop trying to roast me.