
04 February 2014

3 Things You Should Never say to Someone with Fibromyalgia

I am sure there are plenty more than three that could be added to this list, but I am going to focus on the major ones. Feel free to add yours to the comments.

1) Oh, Fibromyalgia is the new made up diagnosis for adults, like Autism is for kids. Seriously, I have heard this said. First off, Autism is very real. I am the parent to a child with Autism. And secondly, Fibromyalgia is not some made up diagnosis. It is very real. Just ask any of the millions that suffer from it daily. Are there doctors that over-diagnose these two conditions, sure. But, they are as real as the air you are breathing. Never make light of anyone's illness. You have no idea what that person is going through in their life. Be supportive or be quiet.

2) You can get over Fibromyalgia if your really wanted. What, did that really just come out of someone's mouth. Sure, I will wave my magic wand and my Fibromyalgia will be gone. Maybe there is a spray that gets rid of it, "Fibro-Be-Gone."

I do not know one single person that would choose to have Fibromyalgia. Who would want to hurt day after day? Who would want to have to keep canceling plans because they are too tired and sore to get dressed? I don't know about you, but I sure wish I didn't have to take these medications that have nasty side effects. Take my advice, don't ever say this to someone with Fibromyalgia. Depending on their day and pain level you may end up with a well deserved fat lip. Would you say something like this to a person with diabetes or high blood pressure?

3) You look great, how can you really be so sick? I bet we have all heard this several times. I am not sure how a sick person is suppose to look. Maybe if I had missing limbs or open wounds, I would "look" sick? There are so many hidden illness that you cannot see. You should never assume anything about a person. You cannot feel what is happening with their body. You can't feel the burning pain Fibromyalgia sufferers feel. You cannot understand the way a simple task like washing the dishes can completely wipe out their energy. You won't be able to understand the way a light touch can set someone with Fibromyalgia into a tail spin of pain. Not everyone who is sick looks like they are death warmed over. We get very good at hiding our condition from others to avoid judgement.

I hope you will think before you speak to someone who says they have Fibromyalgia. There could be a day when you are in the same shoes as they are. Would you want someone to be so ignorant towards you? Do your research and be supportive. You may need that support someday.

What is the craziest things you have heard about your Fibromyalgia?


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