
07 December 2013

I feel something lurking behind me

As we inch closer and closer to the holidays I can sense something lurking behind me. While I should be enjoying the lights and festivities that go along with the holidays I fine myself looking over my shoulder. In the evenings while I am trying to enjoy the holiday shows on TV I feel that dark shadow creeping about. Each day it's presence becomes more clear. I can try to run and hide but somehow it always seems to know where I am. Yes, holiday depression is approaching.

Holidays should be a time of happiness. I love the lights and music. I enjoy seeing family and the look on my daughter's face on Christmas morning. However I can't shake this nasty beast that finds me year after year. Instead of baking all the yummy goodies and enjoying the holiday cheer I find myself not wanting to do anything. I go out once a week to do grocery shopping and errands and then it's back to my cave. My desire to get up and go has went without me.

This year I didn't even have the desire to put up the outside lights and I love competing with the neighbor over who has more lights. Not this year. I did get the tree and a few things up inside, but even that was exhausting. I guess I am hurting more this year and that is taking it's toll on my festive spirit. Dealing with constant pain everyday has affected me more than I thought it would.

I know I am not alone in this battle. There are lots of us dealing with a shadow following closely behind. Maybe we can join forces and rid this terrible monster once and for all. How do you keep your spirit during the holidays when dealing with depression and pain?


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