
21 December 2013

Need some therapy: Visit the beach

      I have only been to the beach two times in my life, but I have to tell you they were the most relaxing times I have ever had. There is something about sitting at the beach staring at the ocean that is therapeutic. The everyday pains I have seemed to just disappear while sitting in the sand.

    Staring at the water that goes on and on allowed me to clear my head. My brain was only focused on one thing. The constant chaos that goes on in my head was silent. I was able to think clear thoughts. I didn't have fifty things rushing through my mind at one time.

 While looking at the ocean's waves I didn't focus on how bad my legs were hurting. I just felt at peace. I hope within the next few years to move close to the beach so I can visit weekly if not daily. If you find yourself having a bad day or a painful day stop and try to picture the ocean. Try to remember what the waves sound like as they crash upon the shore. Feel the water running over your feet and the warmth of the sand.

                   I know it will not be the same as actually being there, but you would be surprised at how it can help the body relax. Often at night I will go back to the beach in my mind as a way of trying to shut down for the night. I soon find my self drifting off even if just for a few minutes.


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