
07 May 2014

Hello, Is There Anybody There?

     I go through these spells where my mind plays tricks on me. I will feel like everyone is ignoring me or even worse, they don't like me. It will seem like I am invisible. No matter how hard I try to participate, I feel like a failure. I don't know why my brain must play this cruel trick. Hello, is anybody there?

    Hello, Hellooooo, Hellooooooo

     It's like someone on a stage that is checking the microphone before making an announcement. That's how I feel at times. I respond to people's messages, posts, etc only to be ignored. I see other people's getting a like or response back and I am sitting here wondering why mine wasn't good enough to get at least a smiley face. Hello, is anybody there?

     My mind likes to play these cruel tricks to make me question myself. I start to question if I am really friends with so and so, or am I truly a nobody. Maybe, it's just another group, where I don't fit in. I begin to question why do I waste my time writing blog posts if no one is going to read them. What if people don't really care what I have to say. Maybe they find my posts annoying. Hello, is anybody there?

     I know to most, this will sound like some crazy ramblings. Some will probably get a good chuckle at my expense. These are the same that were probably bullies in school and now their children are continuing in their footsteps. But, for those who can relate, just know that I sympathize with you. I know what it's like to wonder where you fit in. Hello, is anybody there?

     So the next time you start to question if anybody is there, know that you are not alone. There are plenty of us in the same boat, wondering the same things that you are thinking. Don't let your mind play these tricks on you. Don't give up or give in. Yes, there is somebody there.


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