
09 May 2013

Oh my, is that a heart attack I feel coming on, or just my crazy brain on overdrive?

          Each day I have a variety of health problems to deal with. I have the coughing and gagging from the "Silent Re-flux" . Why they call it silent is beyond me. I know it's there every moment of the day. Then there is the carpal tunnel that interrupts my writing, typing, cooking, DIY projects, sleeping, etc. You get the picture, it's always around showing its ugly head. Next comes my anxiety. Of all the issues I deal with this one is the worst.
        Why, you may wonder would anxiety be worse then coughing and gagging all day. Well, let me tell you. Anxiety creeps in my brain and makes me question every symptom of my health problems. I start to become terrified that the damage to my throat and esophagus will turn cancerous. I must have pulled something in my chest because the  last few days I have been having intermittent pains. That's normal you might say. Sure, it is normal, but my anxiety gets me scared out of my mind wondering if it could be a heart attack.
         It's not just my health symptoms that I worry about. I worry about everyone else from family to friends. I know what health problems are in my family and I spend too much time worrying that I will have the same problems one day. Anxiety makes everything seem so much more severe, and yet I am afraid of doing anything to stop the problem. My DR. has said numerous times she can put me on medicine to help. I am afraid of what the medicine will do and how it will make me feel. So I keep telling her no.
I wish I had a switch to flip my brain off a few hours a day. I would love to have some time when I didn't have to worry so much. So to all of you that deal with anxiety, how do you keep from going crazy worrying?


Mellisa said...

I suffered greatly from anxiety when I was in my teens and 20's. Once while in the hospital, after a battery of tests, the Dr. finally said to my mom "She is having a physical withdrawl from too much stress."
That was the beginning of my "aha" moment. Stress triggers so many health issues, not to mention anxiety attacks.
Stress also DANGEROUSLY depletes the brain and body of vital nutrients to function, including oxygen.
What I have learned is that we can try, but we cannot prevent all stress in life. However, we can do a couple of things to help offset the negative effects of stress. WE do have the power to empty our stress "bucket" daily. I do this with prayer/meditation, breathing exercises and accupressure. Secondly, the body HAS to be replenished with nutrients daily as well. I use a proven all natural blend that's specific for the brain and nervous system called Q96.
With these two techniques I control anxiety it does not control me.
All the best.

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